Saturday, 20 March 2021

Vastu for Residentail Building and Five elements

What is Vastu, importance of vastu and influences in our life?

Vastu is science for Home building and Directions. Within the word Vastu — 'VAS, ' means a place to measure, ‘and 'TU' means 'The Creator / God.” Therefore, VASTU means that 'A place wherever God will live.” Vastu shastra truly “science of architecture” could also be a standard Asian nation framework of engineering starting in India. Nature has imbibed each living being with tips for Home building. Even today, every bird, animal, creature, even a little hymenoptera, builds its house per these tips for them. Keeping in mind such tips of Nature our saints have created a Science/Shastra, that is understood as Vastu Shastra. Vastu Shastra could be a science/guideline of Home building. Tips which may offer United States a contented and prosperous life. However, as time passed, we tend to neglect/changed these tips per our desires and necessities. Nowadays its result is clearly seen on our health and mode. So, you'll be able to adapt your home per the rules to boost your happiness and deliver the good's prosperity in life.Vastu building

Five Elements (Panch Mahatatvas) in Vastu Shastra

Five elements and directions play a very important role in Vastu Shastra. It is the base of the subject. If you want to understand the subject of Vastu Shastra, it is really important to understand what are the five elements and vastu directions. The First element of the five elements is the Earth element then we have the Water element, then Fire element, Air element and the last one is the Sky element. It is a well-known fact that these Five elements are the basic building blocks of the whole universe and our Nature. Similarly, our physical human body is also made up of these five elements our bones, and the skin represent Earth element, Blood represents the Water element, the breathing process of inhalation and exhalation represents the Air element. Food which we eat is converted into energy for our routine activities and the body temperature is represented by the Fire element.

The cavities of our body is represented by the Sky element. Our body is made up of these five elements and it goes back to the 5 elements after we are no more. Similarly, the material used for making our houses/vastu like cement, iron ore, bricks also made up of five elements. For example — Bricks. Bricks are made by mixing soil and water which represents Earth and Water elements. It then undergoes the heating/strengthening process, which is the Fire element.

Lastly, it is kept in an open space for drying and cooling here comes the Air and Sky elements. Thus, our human body, nature, and vastu (house) all made up of the five elements and are an inseparable part of each other. If there is an imbalance in these five elements, we can clearly see its side effects. If there is an imbalance in five elements of Nature then its side effect is seen in the form of natural calamities and if there is an imbalance of these five elements in our body, we get sick. This is why it is very important to keep these elements of our home in balance. If there is an imbalance in 5 elements of our house, then it can lead to disharmony, financial losses affecting our happiness.

Just like in English, we can't read or write anything without the knowledge of the basic alphabets A, B, C, D.... In the same way, it is very important to have knowledge of directions to understand the subject of Vastu Shastra. Vastu Shastra is a 'Science of Directions.” Let us first learn how many directions do we have as per Vastu Shastra. In Vastu Shastra,8 directions are given primary importance.

The main direction in Vastu Shastra is North, East, South, and West. On a magnetic compass, if North is considered at zero degrees, then towards the clockwise direction, East is at 90 degrees of North, South is at 180 degrees and West is at 270 degrees. Now let us learn about sub-directions. First, we have to understand that what are sub-directions? A direction between any two main directions is known as a sub-direction. For example, the sub direction between North and East is Northeast, the direction between East and South is Southeast, the direction between South and West is Southwest and the direction between West and North is Northwest.NE is also known as 'Ishan Kon' SE is also known as 'Agni Kon' SW is also known as 'Nairuthya Kon' NW is also known as 'Vayu Kon.” All the eight directions are at 45 degrees apart from each other. The topic of Directions is quite vast.

Five elements exist in directions of your house
In Vastu Shastra, any property, be it residential, commercial, factory, plot or office is always considered in square or rectangular form only. For this, first, you will have to check whether your layout is in square or rectangular form or not. If it's in proper square or rectangular form, then we divide the layout into 9 equal parts. But if your layout is not in square or rectangular form then you can give the layout a square/rectangular form by drawing lines and connecting the outer walls. 

Now divide this layout into 9 equal parts. Now in these 9 parts resides the 9 directions. Starting from the top center part is North followed by (in a clockwise direction) is NE, East, SE, South, SW, West and NW direction. The center portion is the Brahmasthan. In Vastu Shastra, Brahmasthan has lots of importance. Now we have identified all the directions, but where are the 5 elements in our house?5 elements are found in the sub-direction. Like NE constitutes Water Element.SE constitutes Fire Element SW constitutes Earth Element NW constitutes Air Element Brahmasthan constitutes Sky Element in Vastu Shastra, Sub directions are given more important, as Sub directions are impacted by both its own characteristics, and the element in the direction but each of the sub-directions has a specific purpose. The main directions are multi-purpose.

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