Thursday, 1 April 2021

Significance of Brahmasthan in Vastu and Vastu tips for Tijori /Cash Box / Locker

Significance of Brahmasthan in Vastu 

In Vastu Shastra, the middle segment of any property is called Brahmasthan. In the word Brahmasthan, Brahma implies master Brahma, who is the maker of this universe, and Sthaan implies place. So Brahmasthan implies the spot of Brahma Dev. Brahma Dev is the ruler or guardian of Brahmasthan. The midpoint of any property called the Brahma Point. In Vastu Shastra, every one of the headings are checked through Brahma Point. Brahma Point is considered as the navel of any property. We realize that the sensory system of our bodies is associated with the navel. Similarly, the progression of the energies of any property is associated with the brahmasthan. 

Brahmasthan resembles a HUB for stream of energies. To discover Brahma focuses and Brahmasthan, First take the format or plan of the house at that point check if the design is in the square or rectangular structure or not. On the off chance that the design isn't in square or rectangular structure than we need to give the format a square or square shape structure. Instructions to give any design a square or rectangular structure and how to discover the midpoint for example Brahma point is clarified in one of my post. Presently we'll realize, how to discover brahmasthan? 

For Brahmasthan take the square/rectangular format and separation it vertically and even in 3 equivalent parts.By doing this you will get 9 equivalent parts. Presently the middle 1/ninth bit is the Brahmasthan of that property. It is otherwise called Brahma locale. Out of the 5 components, Brahmasthan comprises of the Sky component. Subsequently brahmasthan ought to consistently be kept open. Vastu Purush's stomach, navel and spine involves this area. Subsequently Brahmasthan ought to consistently be kept light (no substantial furniture's, dividers, machines, and so on) This is the motivation behind why in the times past the focal point of the house would consistently be kept open and all the room were worked around it. In the present level framework, it may impractical to have a brahmasthan which light and open. 

Brahmasthan ought to never be substantial (no hefty furniture's, dividers, machines, and so on) There ought not be any substantial development in brahmasthan. There shouldn't be any water source in brahmasthan and furthermore Brahmasthan ought to never have any pit or melancholy. On the off chance that there is any water source or pit in the brahmasthan of your property at that point top it off. This is the solitary solution for this imperfection. There shouldn't be latrine in the brahmasthan. Particularly Indian style chest as this prompt both water and pit in the Brahma area. This can make extreme issues. In the event that conceivable, move the latrine out from Brahmasthan. On the off chance that this isn't workable for you and assuming you have an indian style cabinet in the brahmasthan, at any rate supplant it with a 'P' trap Western chest. 

Brahmasthan ought to never fall outside the property. There ought not be flight of stairs, columns or pillar in brahmasthan as these make weight in Brahmasthan. Additionally, maintain a strategic distance from Pooja Ghar, gas oven, bed and hefty stockpiling in brahmasthan. Brahmasthan absconds lead to if there is any substantialness or latrine in the brahmasthanthen do the accompanying cures. Introduce a siddh (blessed) Brahma yantra comprised of copper on the Northeast/North or East mass of the brahmasthan. Brahma Yantra is effectively accessible on the lookout and you can get it siddh (sanctified) from your nearby Pandit. Never introduce the Brahma yantra on the latrine divider for example on the off chance that the latrine is in the Northeast of the brahmasthan, place the Brahma yantra on the north or East divider. This cure will assist you with adjusting the energies of the Brahmasthan of your property.

Locker room

Vastu tips for Tijori /Cash Box / Locker 

A couple of years back numerous individuals would keep a great deal of hard money at their home however in the present web-based banking and computerized money age keeping money at home has diminished. However, even today individuals do save some money at home for crises, day by day installments and costs. Such money ought to be kept the correct way so this money isn't spent on undesirable things. The best bearing to keep your money box is South West course. It is otherwise called Nairutya Kon. South West course establishes Earth component. 

Earth component gives security. Subsequently Cashbox ought to be kept in SW course so that there is steadiness in your income. Other than South West heading we can likewise keep the money enclose the South or West bearing. Since according to Vastu Shastra South, SW and West headings ought to be kept shut and North, NE and East bearings ought to be kept open and Cash Box ought to consistently be kept in a shut zone. Money Box's opening ought to consistently look towards North or East course. Money box ought to be kept so that at whatever point money box opens, it should open looking towards North or East course. Money Box should never open confronting SE, South, SW, West and NW bearings. This may prompt limitations on the inflow of cash in your home or cash may get spent on undesirable things and there is no saving. So, cash doesn't remain in your home. 

In the event that it isn't feasible for you to keep your Cash Box in any of the South headings. for example, On the off chance that there is a passage, lounge, or latrine, and so on the south way of your home then you can keep your money confine the North heading. North heading is governed by Lord Kubera, the ruler of Wealth. Henceforth you can likewise keep your money enclose the North bearing. Yet, here once more, you need to guarantee that the money box should open looking towards North, NE or East bearings. Money box ought to consistently be perfect, coordinated and mess free since Goddess Lakshmi just lives in where there is tidiness. In the event that conceivable, first lay a red shaded material inside your money box and afterward keep your money/records on it. 

Continuously keep your archives and money/adornments independently. Try not to keep your money and records over one another. In the event that conceivable, keep a silver coin of Goddess Lakshmi in the money box. It is viewed as promising. Draw a Swastik image utilizing Kumkum powder outwardly or within the Cash Box. As Swastik is an unadulterated and incredible image to draw in sure energies. Never keep your money box totally vacant. Continuously keep something in it. You can likewise keep one single coin. Money box ought to never be insecure. Assuming Cash box at your place is flimsy, settle it by giving some help. Washroom, Toilet and Kitchen ought to be evaded precisely before the Cash Box. Try not to keep money enclose the Brahmasthan (focus of your home) or straightforwardly under any Beam as this may prompt undesirable monetary pressure at your home or the business. Dodge dark tone for your money box. You can utilize shades of white or yellow or any light tone. Companions, these are some simple Vastu tips for your Cash Box.

1 comment:

  1. Vastu Shastra is one of the oldest and most in-depth forms of architecture, and is based on the specific principles that the ancient Indians believed governed the universe. Vastu Shastra dates back to around 2000 BC, with the earliest texts found in Vedic literature. It has evolved over the years, with more and more ancient texts being discovered by archaeologists.

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